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11 Self-Care Tips

Know that you need more self-care, but don't know what that looks like besides the typical massage, manicure/pedicure, or time away from the kids?

Coach Yamz has some fast, free, and easy self-care tips to improve your life. The busiest person can MAKE 5-10 minutes for more excuses!!!

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Download your FREE 11 Self-Care Tips now!

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Yaminah Mitchell is such a free spirit, it was one of the reasons I chose her as a coach. Her laidback style provides a safe space to process your hurdles and her knowledge helps you identify and come up with a game plan of how to overcome those. I would totally recommend for the woman who is looking to take control of her life but who also knows rest is resistance.”

Shani Glapion, Previous Client Testimonial

“She helped me prioritize my self care that I was seriously lacking which provided me the space to be a better mother and spouse and to help me be content with myself again.”

Mallery Freeman, Previous Client Testimonial

“When someone truly believes in your lifestyle changes and goals, it makes all the difference. She helped me discover and achieve aspirations that I only thought about.”

Malaika Newball, Previous Client Testimonial